Just by glimpsing the newspaper headlines we can easily see that life is hard. It quickly makes us aware of circumstances that challenge us, impending seasons of hardship and adversity, and noteworthy events of world crisis. In the midst of it all children are watching. They are observing how we act and react as we take in and process the realities of life.

The way that a person acts and reacts in difficult situations will depend on how well he or she has prepared for them. How well are you prepared for the challenges of life? Because God wants us to represent Him at all times, He provides us with His Word and His Spirit so we will be equipped in advance of adversity.

For example, in John 16:33 Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus gives us His Word so we will not be caught off guard by the troubles we face in this world.

When faced with trouble, a believer is presented with two choices: he can either be an overwhelmer or an overcomer. This means that he will either allow himself to be overtaken emotionally, mentally, and spiritually by the crisis facing him, or he will remain steadfast in reliance on Christ and His promises. In choosing the latter he will experience abiding peace and an ability to rise above the challenging circumstance.

Psalm 46:1 tells us that God is an ever-present help in times of trouble. God provides us with this wonderful promise of His continual availability to meet our every need, so that we will choose to rely on Him for all things. On whom or what do you rely in times of adversity? Do you find comfort in instant messaging? Do you poll your e-mail audience to find solutions to challenging situations? Is there someone you call in times of crisis? Or, is it your habit to cry out to the sovereign God of the universe to supernaturally meet your need?

Through reliance on God’s Word and His Spirit you can overcome hardship and adversity while training your children to do the same!