Fabulous Finish

I enjoy the thrill of watching events with fabulous finishes; like the swimmer that wins the race by a millisecond, or the winning basket that swishes through the net as the buzzer sounds. I have often considered the extremely different outcomes that would have resulted if each person had given

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A person constructing a quality structure will use products that ensure stability. No doubt, a stable building begins with a stable foundation. The same is true in life: A stable life begins with a stable foundation. In Matthew 7:24-25 Jesus said that everyone who hears His words and puts them

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And the Answer Is

If I were to ask you to give me an answer you most likely would ask, “What is the question?” Have you ever considered the answers you have to questions before they’re even asked of you? For example, if someone were to ask me if I like ice cream, I

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What Will You Do With Today?

There are several things that have already been determined by God today: He has already determined when the sun will rise and set as well as whether or not it will rain. He will be with you each moment of the day and will love you no matter what. He

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Face Time

These days, it’s amazing to me the various means by which we can communicate. When I need a quick answer to a question I will typically text someone. If I need or want to engage someone in conversation, I might email or, better yet, call them. But, nothing replaces the

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