Stressed…But Not Crushed

Some days I feel like I am in the middle of a game of tug-of-war. I’m not picturing myself at either end of the rope. I feel like I am the rope. But life is no game. We are each daily faced with responsibilities, activities, and interests that strongly “tug”

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Gardening 101

On your mark, get set, till. Yes, till. It’s gardening season and as every gardener knows the most important first step to a plentiful harvest is the preparation of the soil. Soil preparation will determine whether or not seeds will even penetrate the soil, allowing them to eventually germinate and

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Livin’ for Fishin’

I love things that remind me of my grandpa; fishing is one of them. My grandpa was an avid fisherman—he would fish every opportunity he got. He was serious about fishing, yet he never entered a fishing tournament. He fished in many locations in his lifetime, but he never owned

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Spring is in the Air

Parents have limited control over the process of raising their children and no control over the results. Parents have some control over whether or not to plant the seeds of God’s Word in their own minds and hearts at the proper time. Then, it is up to them to consistently nurture biblical truth in their children through encouraging personal knowledge, understanding, and application. But, the results are completely the work of God, through the power of His Holy Spirit.

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The High Calling

I recently joined The High Calling, an online magazine and community formed to help readers find God in their work, family, and culture. We share the same focus of encouraging readers to seek God throughout the details of each day. Scripture teaches that the body of Christ should have a sense of

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Q&A: How Do I Explain Death To My Child?

Question: Although my son is old enough to understand death occurs, he has never attended a funeral until recently when my uncle died. My son is now asking a lot of questions that I’m not certain I can answer. I know God is sovereign, but that explanation is a big word

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What Does Successful Christianity Look Like?

I enjoy visiting with a family friend of ours who happens to be a salesman. It has occurred to me that he must be good at what he does because he knows his product well, is acquainted with his clientele, and is purposeful in his endeavors. He is certain to

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Q&A: How to Handle “I Can Do It Myself!”

Question: My 3-year-old son wants to do things for himself even if he really cannot, and then throws a fit whenever I need to help him. For example, the other morning he wanted to put his socks on and I allowed him to try for awhile. After letting him try

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Q&A: What is the Best Way to Deal With Lying?

Question: On several occasions recently I have caught my 5-year-old lying. Now, I’m not certain when she is lying and when she is telling the truth. What is the best way to deal with the issue of lying? Answer: Because it is important to parent from God’s perspective, you will

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First Shall Be Last

Should it ever be a child’s goal to be in last place? By nature, children love to be first: First to be served dinner, first to hug daddy when he arrives home from work, first in line at school, etc.  What, then, would cause a child to consider (let alone

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