Life is a Highway

Have you ever considered how extremely important the narrow line is between the two lanes of traffic on the highway? This simple line distinguishes two individual, separate directions of travel. Without that line, people would have difficulty distinguishing the area that is theirs to use.  In the same way highways

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The Family Circus

I grew up enjoying Family Circus comics and have grown to appreciate them even more as a parent. Just the use of those two words together (family and circus) provide us with a visual picture of how our daily lives can appear or make us feel. For example, there are

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Say Yes to No

Studies show that between the ages of 8-12 months the majority of infants learn to use the word “no”. Young children often use this word without considering the response of parents or of those who may be watching, or the potential of hurting the feelings of others. Something happens, however, to

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God’s Glory Where We Least Expect It

Today, I found myself intrigued by a friend’s recent trip to Alaska . I have seen pictures of the grand Alaskan wilderness before, but have never experienced its beauty for myself. I could sense the awe as he described the majesty of the Alaskan outdoors, and with each description he

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Do You Know Your ABC’s?

One thing about emergencies: You never know when they are going to occur. And another thing: There are no promises you will be with your child when they do. Does your child know what to do in case of an emergency? Since you never know when an emergency may arise,

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From Beginning to End

Have you ever chosen to read the last chapter of a book rather than reading it from the beginning,  chapter by chapter, as it was intended? Knowing the ending altars your perspective as you read. For example, you can recognize purpose in the way the plot unfolds, you can see

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Beware of an August Mindset

August is just not as pleasurable for me as the summer months of June and July. In June everything is blooming, birds are singing. In July fruits and vegetables are ripe and baseball season is in full swing. And then, there’s August. It’s the month that requires more effort to

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Diagnosis and Treatment

Although I’m not a doctor (nor do I play one on T.V.), there are certain diagnoses that are fairly simple to make by recognizing specific symptoms. Just as that statement is true in the medical profession, it is also true in parenting. For example, when I watch a child throwing

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Teach Me to Teach

There is tremendous excitement that comes with the arrival of a newborn. While holding a baby in your arms it’s difficult to imagine the remote possibility that he or she could one day exhibit evil tendencies. However, Genesis 8:21 tells us that, from childhood, the inclination of man’s heart is

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Easy Does It?

I love the premise of the Staple’s “easy” button. When things ever appear to be difficult or overwhelming they are made easy with just a click of the button. Although it may appear great in theory, we all know that reality does not afford such a “quick fix” to life’s

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